$200.00 USD • Used
A young Ron stopped by Harpos for a six pack, some twinkies and the first issue of Metal Hurlant American style. THe beer was probably Old Style. Got home loaded up his G graphics bong and recline...
Store: Flyingelfbooks [View Items]
A young Ron stopped by Harpos for a six pack, some twinkies and the first issue of Metal Hurlant American style. THe beer was probably Old Style. Got home loaded up his G graphics bong and reclined in his bean bag chair and cranked up id Led Zepplin Houses of the Holy and tossed on his 40 lb Koss headphones and his world iew got blown to pieces,. Conquering Armies, Moebius,Druillet , Corben and more.
Product Info
Year: 1977
Type: Used
Binding: Softcover
Seller Info
Address: 4034 beethoven st Los Angeles, California
Website: https://www.flyingelfbooks.com
Country: United States